
Day 25: The Dream Job I Never Pursued – 30 days, 30 episodes

Today, I share a little about my dream job(s) and reflect on how pivotal moments have shaped my career aspirations.

Growing up, I was inspired by MTV and envisioned myself as a VJ like Carson Daly on Total Request Live, immersed in music, celebrities, and engaging conversations.

However, my journey took a different turn after struggling with a mass communication law class, which led me to shift my major to business. I still dream of being a part of The View, where I could participate in meaningful discussions and share diverse perspectives. What would your dream job be if you had the chance to pursue anything without the constraints of reality?

Companies mentioned in this episode:

  • MTV
  • UCF
  • Total Request Live
  • The View

Resources: To listen in on more conversations about pivotal moments that changed lives forever, subscribe to "The Life Shift" on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate the show 5 stars and leave a review! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Matt Gilhooly:

I'm Matt Gilhooly, and this is the Life Shift candid conversations about the pivotal moments that have changed lives forever. Hello, my friends. Welcome to day 25 of 30 days, 30 episodes of life Shift podcast.

I am coming in from a day or an afternoon of editing and turning around one of the work podcasts that I work on every single Monday. So basically, the team of smart people, they get together on Monday mornings, late mornings, and then they record the episode.

They usually do about four or five segments and then they send me a spreadsheet of the different segments and places that they messed up and stuff. And then I create overlays and, and put it into some video editing software.

And then I kind of go through and cut things out and make it smooth and then jump different, you know, single view of one person talking or three people talking or, or four people talking or whatever it may be. And then I also do the audio at the same time.

And I've kind of found this rhythm that I'm doing now, but the whole goal is to start it about 1pm Eastern Time and release it between 4:30 and 5pm Eastern Time. So so far, so good. This is week nine of doing that and it really wears me out, but it's also a good challenge and so I'm finding a good rhythm.

Next thing on my list is to figure out a way so that I can pass it off to another team member if I am taking a Monday off. Because, you know, it would be nice to take a Monday off every once in a while.

I have planned upcoming vacations where I'm back on Monday, so I can do that. Speaking of, I just booked our tickets for my birthday trip in February. So we are going for four nights and we're going to see six shows.

So we're going to see Sunset Boulevard, we're going to see Cabaret, the Outsiders, maybe Happy Ending, Death Becomes her and Drag the Musical. So I'm excited about that.

I was able to get a little bit better of tickets this time because we were able to get the hotel on points and we got the flights on point. So super excited about that. All this to say it's Monday and I'm already tired.

But luckily it is a short work week because Thanksgiving is coming up, which just means we have a day off or two days off, which is nice. So I don't know why I told you all that stuff, but Today it's day 25 and it's another one of those days.

And I think this is what is so great about the Life Shift podcast. Okay, The Life Shift podcast. I do a little bit of kind of working with the guests to make sure that they've figured out their pivotal moment.

But I don't have to do too much leg work before they show up. I just try to show up fully present, listening as actively as possible so that I can engage in the conversation.

They do all the work telling their story, and I try to navigate that and ask questions out of my own curiosity. But for this bonus series, I have to show up every day with a plan.

Or I pretend that I have to show up every day with a plan, but really what happens is I'm busy, busy, busy. And then I'm like, oh, no, I need to fulfill my commitment of recording one episode every day. What can I talk about today?

So as we get closer to 30 days, I'm kind of like, have I said everything that's ever been said? There are a couple things, couple things in my past that I haven't shared just yet. I don't know if I'm going to.

I kind of have the itch to do it, but they're a little bit of more taboo topics. So I'm not sure if I'm going to happy to tell people on the side, but maybe not on a recorded platform where everyone listens, but we'll see.

But today I figured I would talk about my dream job, which doesn't mean that I don't enjoy my current job. So, Olivia, if you're listening, I enjoy working with you and I enjoy my current job.

But when I was a kid, probably like a teenager when MTV was big, I actually decided to go to ucf. And my major for a short period of time was radio and television. Because my dream job was to have Carson Daly's job on trl, Total Request Live.

Something about, I love the fact that it was music, music videos, celebrities, and it was this like hosting type gig. Probably was never cut out for that, but it was my, oh, I want to go work for MTV and do that and get in that space.

And the reason that I didn't pursue that any further was because I took mass communication law in, I think, my freshman or sophomore year, probably my freshman year. And I struggled trying to remember the dates of these particular court cases and which one was which and all these stuff.

And I ended up getting like a C, which was one of my first C's in my life. And I was like, well, if I'm going to get a C in college in this, maybe that's not the route that I'm supposed to go.

And so I, shortly after that class, changed my major to, I think I did undecided for just a little bit. And then I just chose business. And then I chose Management Information Systems, which I don't know why I did that.

But in any case, I chose business because it was easier and I knew I was going to do well. So if I could go back, I'd probably change that. But yeah, I wanted to be MTV vj like Carson Daly on Total Request Live.

And then that kind of went away and I realized that wasn't realistic and that wasn't something that I was able to pursue or I was too afraid to pursue. I was probably able to do it, but I was too afraid to do it.

And Then probably about 10 years ago, this is going to make me sound like a middle aged woman, but I maybe longer than maybe 15, 20 years ago, I started watching the View and I've just literally watched it every day since. And I've been to three or four live tapings now. Probably going to go again in February for my birthday now that they're in a new studio.

But like, I would love if it was possible to be one of the people at the table. But the problem is, is that it's always women because that's what the show was built on. So it's not a problem, it's a great thing.

And it's women with different generations, different perspectives, just different everything to kind of come together and have these conversations. But like, if there was a space for a guy and it could be a no name someone like me, that would be my dream job. And then now to like sweeten the pot.

The Views started Behind the Table podcast done by the executive producer and he brings on each co host every day, you know, a different day a week, and has like deeper conversations with them. So like podcasting and being on the View, you know, migrating a little bit from the Carson Daily role of Total Request Live.

But now like just being a middle aged woman on the View, that would be so cool. And I don't know, I don't know why that's something that just is so interesting to me.

Maybe it's kind of like this and in which I could sit at a table and have honest, open conversations in which my opinions maybe were not the same as everyone else's.

And then other people listening like they do of the life shift, but in a much smaller scale, they hear something that resonates with them or makes them feel less alone because they also feel that particular way about that particular topic. So maybe all of it is kind of connected in that way. And the View is just like a super sized version of the Life Shift podcast.

So maybe someday we'll never say no, but I would just kind of love that. I think it would be really hard and really rewarding and really overwhelming and all the good things, all the stretch goal kind of things.

Plus I would be able to live in New York City or outside of New York City and be able to see shows and things like that. So all the things would collide in this most beautiful of ways.

So those are still like dream jobs that if it fell in my lap, I would run as fast as possible to go do it. Or if the opportunity where I could audition for something like that happened, I would totally do it.

So if anyone knows anything or anyone that can get me into something like that, let me know. I'll talk to my company. We can make something work out. But that is my dream job.

So laugh at me if you'd like, but I wanted to share that with everyone today. So that is it for day 25. Maybe you want to share what your dreams are or what your dream job is.

If you had to work, you couldn't just win the lottery and spend all that money. But if you had to work and there was like any way that you could work, what would you do? That's what I would do. So that's all I have for day 25.

I will be back on day 26 with a little bit more energy maybe, and I will see you then.

I hope you are preparing to have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and your family and all the people that you like to be around for those particular days. So that is it. I will talk to you all tomorrow. For more information, please visit

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The Life Shift Podcast
Candid Conversations about the Pivotal Moments that Changed Lives Forever

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Matt Gilhooly

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